Monday, August 29, 2011

Is the Bionic Ear Good For Tinnitus?

We seek relief in so many forms. Sometimes it makes sense and sometimes it is simply intuition.
In either case, if it works we are pleased or at least satisfied.

So, after I found significant relief and a fresh surge of energy from the reduced sounds in my head, I shared the news.  I am telling other people who experience ringing ears that if it gets so bad that they are having trouble with everyday living, talk to the people at the Shea Clinic in Memphis. Perhaps they can help you too. 

And people always share their methods of coping with internal unwanted sounds. One fellow recently told me about how the Bionic Ear not only helped him hear better, it effectively masked the internal sounds and gave him relief.  I admit I have never tried it. But I share his resource with you, maybe it will help you.

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remember... never give up... work when you can... rest when you must...
Tinnitus Control Ear Ringing Relief - Relive Ringing in Ears with All-Natural Homeopathic Tinnitus Remedy Treatment ~ 2 Packs