Friday, April 16, 2010

Tinnitus - Ringing Ears Plus

Do you know what Tinnitus is?
Do you know what it can do to your life?

Can you hear silence?

How do you GET tinnitus?

These questions and more will be discussed at this blog with expert data and personalized experience included.

A hearing impaired person is often considered to be quite able because no one can see that they cannot hear until there is some kind of interaction. This is especially difficult for children with a hearing loss in addition to constant ringing in their ears. No one else can hear what they hear. And they do not know the meaning of silence.
I sometimes wonder if that is part of the reason some children are hyperactive and noisy and disruptive in school.
For them it is far better to make noise than it is to listen to the infernal incessant internal sound.

Tinnitus is not contagious. You cannot catch it from another person. You can have temporary ringing in your ears as a result of loud music or noises. That gives you a tiny taste of what the person with constant tinnitus is experiencing.

Essentially tinnitus - ear noises - ringing in your ears- is the invisible internal sound that has no clear external cause. Some people call it phantom noises but that is insulting to someone who is definitely experiencing communication difficulties because of the persistence and volume of the sounds inside their own head.

I encourage you to be patient with all hearing impaired people and especially to people who do experience tinnitus as a part of their everyday life, not just after a rock concert.

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